Useful tips when considering to build your home

Alpha Ioannou Construction & Engineering Company - Residential
  1. Appoint the architect that will design your dream home.
  2. A civil engineering consultant will complete the structural design of the project. The structural design of a project includes the methodical investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of the structure. His basic objective is to produce a building, capable of resisting all applied loads without failure during its indented life. He will be attending and supervising the constructions until its completion and delivery.
  3. Electrical and mechanical engineers are responsible to design and complete their studies regarding the electrical, mechanical and plumbing facilities of the structure. An energy efficiency study is also required.
  4. A Quantity Surveyor may be required depending on the size of the project; he will determine the exact quantities and cost of your plans. Quantity issues facilitate the comparison of materials between different tenders and reduce errors mainly due to differences in materials and inconsistencies between two or more construction companies.
  5. Appoint the civil engineering contractor through the tenders evaluation; he will bring your home to life.

When clients approve the plans and decide to proceed with the construction of the building, the most common process that is required by law is to secure the following :

  1. Town Planning Issue (Architect only) – Πολεοδομική Άδεια
  2. Building License Issue (all engineers) – Άδεια Οικοδομής
  3. Design of construction plans by all engineers (electrical & mechanical) and customer’s approval
  4. Issue plans (including quantities issues) and invite Registered Contractors (with active license depending on the project) to submit their tenders.
  5. Receive tenders, evaluate and decide on your construction partner. The evaluation and choice is very important and will determine the final product. Choose wisely, take your time and ask around. Get to know the company and its management. The cheapest choice is not always the best. After all, your house is one of the biggest and most important investments. Your construction partner will be required to work closely with you to achieve the best possible result.
  6. Start of Construction and supervision by all authorised engineers.
  7. If the finished building differs from the Building Permit plans, Coverage Permit plans need to be submitted.
  8. Issuance of Certificate of Approval (final approval permit) of the building


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